Joyce C., Secondary Teacher, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

I have a close Chinese friend who listened to some of the recordings on my IPod - she said go with CLO. She constantly remarks on my great accent which she says is always the biggest problem.
I travel a great deal and knowing Chinese, even a little, can only be helpful when 1/4 to 1/3 of the worlds' population speaks Mandarin Chinese. You are doing a great job - I seem to be going very slowly; however, my friend says I am not but rather she is impressed with where I am and again is most concerned about the correct accent.

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Satoko Y, Japan

I've veen really enjoying your Chinese course, I still can't speak the language well, though my listening comprehension is improving remarkably thank to your progressive course!!! I love to read that [testimonials] page to encourage myself to improve my Chinese, it's quite amazing to know that there are so many Mandarin Chinese learners out there from all over the world, I'm so glad to have found your course by chance when I was browsing thru podcasts, any how thanks a lot again for your extraordinary course!!!

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Parrish R., Teacher, Taipei, Taiwan

As far as the course goes, I started with number one just for context and I am now on lesson 57. I am not sure what level my Chinese actually is, but I have known most everything on the lessons I have finished so far. Although, it has been a great review for me on grammar, vocabulary and tones.

I have enjoyed listening to you and Kirin a lot. I think it was a great idea to have listeners from many different places, but overall, I would agree that I prefer to listen to Kirin's Taiwanese accent. Also, I just finished the level 1 review (lessons 58, 59 and 60).

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Manuela B., Switzerland

I discovered your website in January 2008, started from lesson 1 and tried to catch up as fast as possible (sometimes 4-5 hours a day) - and exactly today I'm there, lesson 198!!! You did a great job referring the method (from explaining in english turning to more and more chinese or how you choose new vocabulary and repeat it) and you found a nice balance of explaining grammar or just take an expression as it is.

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Susanna B., Switzerland

I would like to tell you that I really enjoyed this podcast a lot. And I will recommend it to anyone, and I wish I had found it sooner, I could have saved a lot of money on inefficient courses.

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